
The Online Conference

Online Conference Benefits

Organising an online conference can feel like a daunting task, however these are becoming quite common and various tools are  being created to help.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the added benefits of an online conference apart from the health and safety of your guests.

With everything that is happening currently in the world it is getting harder and harder to ignore the planet and the current climate crisis. 

With that in mind an Online conference is a really good step in terms of sustainability. You can definitely cut a big share of you Carbon footprint by making your next event a Virtual one. 

This could also be a hybrid event with remote viewers either at home or in Local venues that require less Air travel.

Another benefit is Time. Although there are some that wait all year for a conference to use it as an excuse to get out of the house and get the party on; most of us tend to actually enjoy time with our loved ones; and would probably rather not have to go 2-3 days away with our work colleagues to a conference. 

With a remote conference you can just log in on time for the show, get what you want out of it and retain a clearer message undiluted by cocktails and commuting. 

Not saying to stop going to conferences, obviously it is often worth it, but this has the ability to let you attend even if you have other responsibilities or cannot travel.

Other benefits of an Virtual event can be found here.

Planning Tips

Now in terms of planning, here is a handful of key tips that you should definitely keep in mind:

  • Book a competent AV supplier! Any online event is tricky and things will go wrong. Yes, they will. Having a competent team to handle the technical side of things will however make sure things will run as smoothly as possible. And that on the day you have as few hiccups as possible in your show. 
  • Don’t cut back on the planned budget because it is virtual. Use your budget wisely to really upgrade your user experience. Spend it on making sure your content is as polished as it can be and make sure your message has the best chance of reaching your audience.
  • It’s not because it is virtual that its has to be fully virtual. Include some fun activities for your audience at home; with ways for them to interact with you and others attending your event. Plenty of places now offer Virtual experiences and also maybe food delivery systems from a catering supplier. Check it out!

The improvements of what an online conference can now offer has been staggering in the last few months. It is getting hard to keep up with new technologies available. Partly why we’ve made this Website!  

If you’re considering making your next Conference an Online one then check out our course Here or don’t hesitate to contact me if you need advice or have any questions.
