event marketing

Top Tips For Event Marketing

We consider these top tips for event marketing the main points of focus when organising an event. 

If you do these, you will achieve a successful marketing campaign for your next event. 

Let’s start off with the event goal… 

top tips marketing

1. Have a Clear Event Goal

Before starting any event marketing campaign you need to set a clear event goal. This will allow you to have a clear idea of what you are trying to sell and why should people invest time or money in it. 

Once you have your event goal you can start your event marketing campaign with confidence.  

A good thing to do after defining the event goal is to start the email campaign. This email should include the event goal and a general event schedule – such as what speaker guests can be expected and discussed topics. The event schedule will allow you to show your guests what you are including in your event and it should captivate them into attending. 

2. Pre-Event Advertising

Marketing for an event ideally should be done prior to the date of the event. This will guarantee good attendance numbers and will help you ensure sponsoring for the event.

Pre-event marketing advertisement can be done on any social media platform. Such as, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter; and if you are looking for a more professional platform you should advertise on LinkedIn. 

Another good way of advertising your event is by having event giveaways and competitions that can offer free entry tickets to the event or goodies that can be picked up at the event. 

3. Top tips Event Marketing: Influencers

Another way of marketing your event is to try and get some influencers involved in the event. Either just by attending and being present or  by having them as part of the speakers panel. 

This way they can advertise the event on their platforms to their followers, helping you out with gaining more attendees. 

Same goes with sponsors. Not only they can help you with the events sponsoring or by providing goods. But they can also share the event on their platforms to help you maximise your attendance. 

4. Event Hashtag

In today’s world hashtags are everything in social media. So it is very important to create your event’s hashtag. 

When you create an event hashtag you are giving people the chance to photograph memories of the day and hashtag it for later recollection.

Something fun you can do is share people’s posts on screen during the event. Just ask your guests to tag the event and use the hashtag when posting. Then you can have recent twitter or Instagram posts being shared live on screens throughout the day. By doing this people will want to share their posts about the event straight away as they will want theirs to show up on screen; increasing the amount of posts available online related to the event.

top tips marketing

5. Feedback

Last but not least, you need to include feedback. 

This should be collected at the end of the event and an important step once your event has finished as a debrief. 

So, you should have a available a platform for feedback from your guests, from your employers and anyone else that was involved in the event. Or just request feedback via email. 

Once the event has finished you should send an email to everyone asking for their honest feedback on the platform or just by responding to the email. 

If you do just want email responses, do build your feedback questions, so it is more focused on what you want to know.

This feedback is important because it means you will be able to work on what went wrong at your next event. And will help you realise what worked and what did not work. 

Top Tips for Event Marketing's: Conclusion

These 5 top tips for event marketing are important for any event. And we suggest you follow them for success.

We have more tips on event marketing if you would like more details. If you do, please do get in touch on the comments below or by visiting our Contact Page.

We also have an Event Marketing Checklist available as part of our resources offering when you sign up to our Newsletter. So if you would like to access it do subscribe to our mailing list – Event Tool Kit Page

Furthermore, if you are interested in Event Online Courses, then check our online courses platform at Tip Academy.

We have a few courses already available and a few more on the way. By signing up you will be the first to get notified once they go live and when new content will be available. 

Please leave us a comment below on what you thought about these top tips and if you have any other topic you would like us to share. 

