
Types of Virtual Events

There are many different types of virtual events. In this post I will be sharing the different types of events; as well as, what the Live equivalents of these events are, and what purpose they can have for you.


So first of a classic, the Webinar. Many of you might have attended one of these online even before COVID-19; it’s a great way to present a topic, a demo or a course to a large online audience. And at the end the audience can usually ask some questions to the presenting panel. You might have guessed it but this is the equivalent to a seminar.

Online Conference

Next up we have the Online Conference. The Online Conference is similar to a live conference; Minus the buffet and the stack of business cards you find yourself with at the end of the day. This type of virtual event is great for a more select group of individuals or employees of a single company to come and see discussions or talks about a certain topic.

Online Meeting

Then we have the Standard Online Meeting, it’s probably one that many of your have already had in the past and even more nowadays. Technically even Facetime is an online meeting. These have became a very popular tool in today’s world and I’m sure most of you have had the chance to attend one.

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Product Launch & Trade Show

One type of event that really benefits from the virtual environment is the Product launch or  Trade Show. This type of virtual event allows companies to showcase their new products; This can happen in front of an unlimited number of potential clients all over the world. Companies like Apple or Google use this type of event regularly to present their new products online. The Global online presence is really a benefit for this type of event.

Online Courses

Similar to the Webinar we also have Workshops or Online Courses that can be done remotely. If these are done in smaller groups these sessions tend to have a more hands on approach with the audience members being more involved.

Virtual Expo

Last but not least is the Virtual Exhibition or Expo, usually these also include other types of content. However, the main focus is on the Main Floor of the Expo, where the sellers buy their spots to showcase their products and meet potential clients. The exhibitors can now reach a much larger audience online as well as share their content digitally in the Virtual Booth.


Other types of Virtual events can be done but usually tend to fall in with another category. For example you have AMA’s (Ask me anythings), where a  Live Audience can ask a person or panel some questions; Fireside Chats, where a Speaker is interviewed one on one, in a more intimate discussion; and the Classic Keynote Presentation where a leading expert or popular speaker delivers a presentation on a particular subject.

Also more recently there have been more and more less traditionally streamed events like Weddings or other types of party. 

If this is something you are looking into and would like to learn more on the topic, sign up to our course on Virtual Events it contains all the info you need to successfully run and organise your next virtual event.

We will also be posting more detailed information on these type of events, as well as, what content you should include and what the Virtual Version can or should look like. So look out for our next Blog Post coming soon.

In the mean time, do subscribe to our blog so you can be the first to be notified once the post is up!

Get in touch if you have any other queries or would like more information on Online Events
