
Virtual Events

Or how to reach your Audience Online through Virtual Events.

What is a Virtual Event? 

Any form of event can be classified as a virtual event; as long as some of the attendees are not required to be in a specific location to participate. 

It is an event where people interact on a web-based platform rather than in person.

There are many forms of online events and you may have participated in a few like meetings and Webinars, but did you know that nowadays it is also quite easy to host a conference or an exhibition online? 

Even before 2020 and the need to host most events online, there has been a surge of Online events for other reasons unrelated to the pandemic.  

A main reason has been the potential for unlimited reach. A way to connect with your clients or audience across the globe and in numbers impossible at an in-person event. 

As well as fully online virtual events there have been more and more Hybrid events where the event in a venue gets live streamed to the internet, the balance has been shifting from a priority to the physical guests in favour to the virtual guests. as more and more of us are working remotely with even more global teams I do not think this trend will end any time soon. 

This is why my first focus on this website will be to demystify Virtual events. If Virtual events restart than the event industry can restart and we can show the world why events matter. 

To help with this we’ve put together This Course on Virtual Events. 

Go check it out.

We’ll be expanding more on different types of events/virtual events soon so keep an eye out & Subscribe on our Website.

If you have any other questions or want some more information do Get in Touch, and we shall get back to you as soon as possible. 

